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Ich kenne Dich

„Ich liebe Dein Lachen und ich hasse Deine Stimmungswandel“ … so, oder so ähnlich hat sicher jeder von uns schon einmal über einen anderen Menschen gedacht. Einfach mal Figured you out anhören und die Gedanken frei lassen. Es ist eine Menge interessantes in diesem Song versteckt …

I like your pants around your feet
I like the dirt that’s on your knees
And I like the way you still say please
While you’re looking up at me
You’re like my favourite damn disease
And I love the places that we go
And I love the people that you know
And I love the way you can’t say no
Too many long lines in a row
I love the powder on your nose
And now I know who you are
It wasn’t that hard
Just to figure you out
And now I know who you are
It wasn’t that hard
Just to figure you out
I like the freckles on your chest
And I like the way you like me best
And I like the way you’re not impressed,
While you put me to the test
I like the white stains on your dress
And I love the way you pass the check
And I love the good times that you wreck
And I love your lack of self respect
While you’re passed out on the deck
I love my hands around your neck
And now I know who you are
It wasn’t that hard
Just to figure you out
And now I know who you are
It wasn’t that hard
Just to figure you out
I like your pants around your feet
And I like the dirt that’s on your knees
And I like the way you still say please
While you’re looking up at me
You’re like my favorite damn disease
And I hate the places that we go
And I hate the people that you know
And I hate the way you can’t say no
Too many long lines in a row
I hate the powder on your nose
And now I know who you are
It wasn’t that hard
Just to figure you out
And now I know who you are
It wasn’t that hard
Just to figure you out

( September 2003 by Nickelback )

Leben, Nickelback, Wahrheit

Sven Neidahl

Hallo, ich bin Sven, technikbegeisterter Mensch mit Blog-Ambitionen. Ich liebe Australian-Shepherds, leckeres Essen, laute Musik und Wandern mit anschliessendem Wellness-Programm, hauptsache "Lebe das Leben mit Liebe, Spass und Technik".

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